Last Updated on September 22, 2022 by Rovamedia

Google Ads are powerful, but they’re competitive.

You have to beat other brands advertising AND organic results.

It’s tough, but businesses have generated millions of $$$ doing it.

Here are 7 ways to make your ads more clickable than the competition:

  1. Craft A Better Offer: Most companies’ offers are boring. They’re basically just “pay X dollars to get Y product”. Add bulk discounts and refund guarantees to yours, and more people will click.
  2. Take Better Photos: This doesn’t apply to search ads, but it’s crucial for shopping, performance max, and more. Humans are visual creatures, and that’s especially true when shopping for physical products. Invest in getting the best possible photos.
  3. Improve Your Copywriting: This is a big topic, but the short version is – Research your audience – Come up with killer angles – Come up with killer hooks – Focus on pains and benefits – Finish with a specific call to action. Explore our advertising services here.
  4. Use Ad Extensions: There are tons of extensions you can use to increase clicks. Reviews and website pages are my favorite, but I regularly use 11 of them. Click below to read all of those:
  5. Build A Better Website: Elements of a better website include faster page load speed – Easy-to-use customer support – Clear terms for shipping, refunds, etc – Copywriting – Visuals. The better your site is, the more Google will favor it over others. We provide web development and design solutions, learn more.
  6. Use Branded Terms: These are terms like your brand name and product names. These show people exactly what they want to find, your quality score goes up, and that crosses over into other ads. If people are searching for your branded terms already, use them in ads.
  7. Update For Seasons & Events: If one ad has a generic year-round pitch and the other one has a pitch for a specific sale or season, people will gravitate toward the specific one. Update your ad copy for season changes, sales you run, and events like The World Cup.

Every business and marker wants to really make their product and service gain financial traction. Honestly, there are no two ways, business is meant to solve a problem people really need to be solved, in turn, the people using the service or product return the favor by paying for the service. It’s not actually rocket science when you think about it.

In the grand scheme of things, paid advertising is crucial to the success of most businesses. And to be frank, there is no business that doesn’t spend money on customer acquisitions. The fact is, there are numerous businesses who are offering the same service your business also offers, but it’s a big world, and not every one of their customers will vibe with your product/service and vice versa.

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